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Independent researcher in Numismatics

News & Updates

7 October 2024

New publication

La collezione numismatica di Vittorio Emanuele III. La zecca di Casale Monferrato. Parte III – Da Carlo V d’Asburgo (1530-1533) a Guglielmo Gonzaga (1550-1566, reggenza di Margherita Paleologo) (Bollettino di Numismatica. Materiali 73), Roma 2019 [2024] (read)

18 September 2024


A new edition of the exports from the Inventory of Coin Finds project is available on-line

8 September 2024


A new edition of the exports from the Prosopography of the mint officials project is available on-line

9 January 2024

New publication

The Zuidbarge and Zuidlaren hoards of 1860 and the Italian coinage of the late ninth century, The Numismatic Chronicle 183 (2023), 259-96 (co-authored with S. Coupland, F. Huisman and O. Florisson)

16 May 2023

New publication

Monete e usi monetari nelle fiere di cambio (1580-1640), Rivista Italiana di Numismatica e Scienze Affini 124 (2023), 149-200 (co-authored with C. Marsilio and T. Brollo)

2 May 2023

New publication

La production de faux liards en Italie du Nord entre 1578 et 1587, Revue Numismatique 179 (2022), 285-302

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