About me

I was born on December 24th, 1974, and currently live in Castellanza (Varese, Italy). My interests lie in Medieval and Modern numismatics, particularly regarding the coinage of the Regnum Italiae from Charlemagne to Adalbert II of Ivrea (773/4-961), the mints in Lombardy and Piedmont from the 16th to the 18th century, the organization of work in the mints, and the quantitative aspects of coin production.
I am proud a member of the Société Française de Numismatique and The Royal Numismatic Society.

Congress presentations
XVI International Numismatic Congress, Warsaw, September 11th-16th 2022. Paper titled The coinage of the Kingdom of Italy from Louis II to Berengar II (855-961): a reappraisal (view presentation)
Festa della Moneta e delle Fiere di Cambio, Novi Ligure (AL), September 23rd-26th 2021. Paper titled Il mercato dei cambi tra 1580 e 1640: un inquadramento delle monete (view presentation)
Congress Too big to study?, Trieste, May 17th-19th 2018. Paper titled Applying Statistics and Computer Science to the study of big coin finds: an engineering approach (view presentation | read paper)
The 6th Joint Meeting of Nomisma.org and ECFN 2017, Copenhagen, May 4th-6th 2017. Paper titled A web portal for the inventory of coin finds (view presentation)
XV International Numismatic Congress, Taormina, September 21st-25th 2015. Paper titled Coin clipping and monetary crisis: the case of the Italian ducatone (view presentation | read paper)
XV International Numismatic Congress, Taormina, September 21st-25th 2015. Paper titled Renaissance portrait coins: the innovation and its spreading through Italy and Europe (with F. Rossini)
Congress Il trattato di Utrecht e il Monferrato. Problemi europei e assetti regionali, Casale Monferrato, November 30th 2013. Paper titled Tramonto di una nazione. Problemi monetari del Monferrato post-gonzaghesco (view presentation)
Congress Cuneo 1259-1347: fra monarchi e signori, Cuneo, December 7th-8th 2012. Paper titled La circolazione monetaria nel basso Piemonte fra Due e Trecento: percorsi di ricerca (view presentation | read paper)
XIV International Numismatic Congress, Glasgow, August 31st – September 3rd 2009. Paper titled The monetary areas in Piedmont during the XIV-XVI centuries: a starting point for new investigations (view presentation | read paper)
Congress La moneta in Monferrato tra Medioevo ed Età Moderna, Turin, October 26th 2007. Paper titled Il sistema monetario del Monferrato gonzaghesco: influenze e sviluppi (1536-1590) (view presentation | read paper)
Congress Il Monferrato tra Paleologi e Gonzaga, Cuccaro Monferrato (AL), October 28th 2006. Paper titled Le ultime fasi della zecca di Casale Monferrato (view presentation | read paper)
Congress Chivasso capitale dei Paleologi di Monferrato, Chivasso (TO), September 16th 2006. Paper titled La monetazione dei Paleologo in Monferrato: una rilettura dei materiali (view presentation | read paper)
Congress Monete in rete, Bologna, May 22nd 2003. Paper titled Un database per il personale di zecca: il progetto Eligivs e la Guida per la storia delle zecche italiane (with L. Travaini) (view presentation | read paper)
Congress L’Immaginario e il Potere. Banche dati e metodologia innovativa del Lessico Iconografico Numismatico (LIN), Vicenza, October 12th 2002. Paper titled La gestione informatica del lessico iconografico per le monete medioevali (with A. Bolis) (view presentation)
Congress Fälschungen – Beischläge – Imitationen, Martigny, March 1st-2nd 2002. Paper titled Monetary counterfeits in Northern Italy during the XVII century (view presentation)
Congress III meeting dei numismatici e medaglisti europei, Mantova, September 8th-9th 1994. Paper titled La “coniazione” di medaglie secondo Benvenuto Cellini (read paper)

XV International Numismatic Congress, Taormina, September 21st-25th 2015. Poster A collaborative inventory of coin finds (view poster | read paper)
XIV International Numismatic Congress, Glasgow, August 31st – September 3rd 2009. Poster titled A prosopography of the mint officials. The Eligivs database and its evolution (view poster | read paper)

Vero o falso? Cisterna, la sua zecca, le sue monete, Cisterna d’Asti (AT), September 23rd 2023
La zecca di Maccagno Inferiore e le sue monete, Maccagno con Pino e Veddasca (VA), October 8th 2021 (view presentation)
Nelle tasche del “mercenario”. Il ritrovamento del Colle del Teodulo (monete dei secoli XV-XVII), Milan, April 17th 2018 (view presentation)
Messerano: la sua Zecca, le sue Monete. Tra falsi miti e scomode verità, Masserano (BI), September 29th 2012 (view presentation)
La zecca di Maccagno Inferiore e le sue monete. Vicende e protagonisti di una officina monetaria del Seicento, Sonogno (Canton Ticino, Switzerland), May 21st 2011 (view presentation)
Le ricerche numismatiche di Giorcelli e Valerani e i cento anni del “Corpus Nummorum Italicorum”, Casale Monferrato (AL), June 5th 2010 (view presentation)
L’amministrazione della moneta nella Milano spagnola, Milan, October 28th 2008 (view presentation)
Una moneta per Arquata. La zecca degli Spinola tra prestigio e profitto, Arquata Scrivia (AL), September 28th 2008 (view presentation)
Uomini e monete delle zecche sabaude. L’organizzazione delle officine monetarie dei Savoia dalle origini all’Unità d’Italia, Milan, February 7th 2006 (view presentation)
Abusi monetari nel ‘600 verbanese, Porto Valtravaglia (VA), October 9th 2004 (read paper)
Maccagno, le sue industrie, la sua zecca, Luvinate (VA), September 23rd 2004 (with C.A. Pisoni)

Organization of Congresses and Exhibitions
Congress Swiss and Italian Monetary Relations. The Early Middle Ages (VI-XI centuries) – Rapporti monetari tra Svizzera e Italia. L’età altomedievale (secc. VI-XI), Lugano, September 29th, 2018 (read programme)
Congress La moneta in Monferrato tra Medioevo ed Età Moderna, Turin, October 26th 2007 (view poster | read programme)
Exhibition La “Zecha di Machagno Corte Regale”. Storie di zecchieri e falsari nella Maccagno dei Mandelli e dei Borromeo, Maccagno, Civico Museo “Parisi-Valle”, April 13th – June 29th 2003
Congress Le onde della Storia sulla riva del Verbano. Macagno regia, imperiale e moderna dal Medioevo all’età contemporanea, Maccagno, April 12th 2003 (read programme)

Honors and Awards
2017 – Premio NIP-Tevere by the Numismatici Italiani Professionisti for the book Die Geldbörse des «Söldners» vom Theodulpass (VS). Il ripostiglio del «mercenario» del Colle del Teodulo (VS)
2009 – Diploma di Benemerenza Civica (Certificate of Civic Merit) by the Municipality of Castellanza (VA)
2008 – Honorary fellowship of the Circolo Filatelico Numismatico Mantovano
2008 – Premio “Albino Bazzi” for Numismatics by the Circolo Filatelico Numismatico Mantovano
2006 – Oscar per la Numismatica by the Circolo Filatelico Numismatico Reggiano
2004 – Premio “Fondazione Banca Agricola Mantovana” by the Fondazione Banca Agricola Mantovana for the book La zecca di Maccagno Inferiore e le sue monete
2004 – Premio “Solone Ambrosoli” by the Società Numismatica Italiana for the book La zecca di Maccagno Inferiore e le sue monete